Dr. Aman B. Prabhugaonkar
(M. D. General Medicine)
"Healthy and Balanced Lifestyle, is the key to your wellbeing"

Dr. Shashank Prabhudesai
(M.D. General Medicine, Diabetologist, Former Assistant Professor GMC)
"Be active Be healthy Be happy"

Dr.Akshay Naik
(M.S. General, D.N.B., F.M.A.S.)
"Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness"

Dr.R Fernandes
(M.D. Gynecology, Infertility specialist and Laparoscopic surgeon)
"The way you think, the way you behave, the way you eat, can influence your life either positively or negatively"

Dr. Nikhil M. Kamat
(M.S. Opthalmology)
"There is no better way to thank god for your sight than by giving a helping hand to someone in the dark."

Dr. Somshekhar
(M.D. Rheumatology)
"Giving up is not an option, you cannot let the illness get the better for you."

Dr. Vijeta Jambaulikar
(MS(ENT), Fellowship in laryngology & Phonosurgery)
"Health is the greatest possession, contentment is the greatest treasure and confidence is the greatest friend."

Dr. Neha Shanbhag Kossambe
(MBBS, MD(Pediatrics))
"Being a pediatrician is more then just a profession. Its a calling."

Dr. Ashok Borkar
(Consultant Homeopath)
"Healing with Homeopathy is safe, gentle and permanent."

Dr.Siddhi Naik
(DGO GMC(Goa) Obstetrician & Gynecologist Infertility specialist and Laparoscopic Surgeon)
"Time and health are two precious assets that we don't recognize and appreciate untill they have been depleted."

Dr. Marlindo Rebello
(M.D. Physiatrist)
"Life has it's up and down, but the way to enjoy it at all times is just to be able to lift yourself when down."

Dr. Jagruti Nadkarni
(MBBS, M.D. Respiratory medicine, DNB in respiratory medicine)
"Every negative belief weakens the partnership between mind and body"

Dr. Priyanka Dhakankar
(MBBS, M.D. Pediatrics )
"Watching children get well and laugh again at the end of their treatment is one of the most rewarding experiences for me as a pediatrician"

Dr. Alka Kamat Haldonkar
(M.D. Chest)
"We Treat.., God Cures."

Dr. Rajan kamat Haldonkar
(M. D. Gynecology)
"A Daughter is one of the most beautiful gifts one can have."

Dr. Agnita N. Kamat
(MBBS., DVD, Dermatologist )
"Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself!"

Dr.Sarvesh Kossambe
(MBBS., MD Pediatrics, DM Neonatology, Fellowship in Neonatology, NNF Gold Medalist)
"Big journey begins with small steps"

Dr. Sandeep Fowkar
(M.S., Orthopedic & Arthroscopic Surgeon )
"Osteoporosis strikes us. It is not normal to break a bone after a minor fall."

Dr. Reshu Sharma Vernekar
(Dermatologist, Cosmetologist )
"I love what I do! I love the opportunity to make a difference in someone's life by enhancing the health and appearance of their skin. And yes, aging is a fact of life. Looking your age is not"

Dr. Saharsh S Thorwat
(DA,MD,DNB (Anaesthesiology)
"Your body hears everything your mind says"

Dr. Satyendra Kumar (P.T.)
"Physiotherapist has the brain of a scientist the heart is humanistic and the hand is the artist to give treatment for ortho neuro cardiac patients."

Dr. Sharmad Kudchadkar
(Consultant urologist & Rental transplant specialist )
"Difficult roads often lead to Beautiful Destinations."

Dr.Abhinav Pai
(M.D. Anaesthesia, FIPM (Germany))
Interventional Pain Management Specialist
"He who has health, has hope
He who has hope, has everything."

Dr.Shane D'silva
(M.B.B.S, M.S. Ortho., Specialist in Trauma Care & Joint Replacement)
Specialist in Trauma care & Joint Replacement
"The purpose of our life is to be happy."

Dr.Rahul Prabhudessai
(MBBS, MD (Respiratory Medicine), Fellowship in Bronchoscopy at Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai )
Specialist in Treatment of Chest Diseases, Asthma, TB, Covid 19, Allergy and Sleep Disorders
"There is nothing more important then our health, that's our principal capital asset."

Dr. Gajanan Ashok Panandikar
Consultant Neurologist
(MD Medicine, DM Neurology-KEM Hospital, Mumbai, DNB
"A fit, healthy body- that is the best fashion statement"

Dr. Kefas Quadros
MD Anestheoligy
"Whatever you decide to do, Be sure it make you happy."

M.B.B.S; DCH(Goa); DNB (Lilavati, Mumbai); PGPN (Boston) Child and New Born Specialist

M.D General Medicine

MS (Obstetrics and Gynaecology).
Maternity, Women & Infertility Specialist

Dr. Anant Tanksali
D A Anesthesiology
"Sleep is a golden chain that ties health and our bodies togather."
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